STTA founded the Young Change Makers (STTA-YCM) Programme in 2017, during the year that marked the United Nations International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. As a response to the rallying call for industry to accelerate uptake of sustainable tourism values, STTA’ pledge was to mentor emerging African sustainable tourism leaders.
The primary objective of the STTA-YCM programme is to cultivate young critical thinkers by equipping them with sustainability knowledge and skills and enabling them to provide innovative ideas and address current challenges faced by the tourism and conservation industries in Africa.
The STTA-YCM Programme originated as a seminar-based activity that actively involved Higher Education (HE) and TVET institutions and their students enrolled in degrees, diplomas, or certificates in tourism, hospitality, and wildlife management. This involvement took place through structured Inter-University seminars from 2017 to 2019. The primary objective was to generate new ideas through a series of forums, not only to enhance students’ knowledge and skills but also to actively contribute to national, regional, and global discussions on sustainable travel and tourism. Another key objective was to build new competencies in sustainable travel and tourism.
Youth development initiatives are many and in great demand, with a tendency to frame these under some form of change makers programmes primarily focused on fostering leadership and good governance (i.e. …), whilst STTA YCM programme focuses on youth skills development and enhancing employability in tourism. This is achieved by targeting TVET and University students in Kenya.
Supported through public, private and Civil Service Organisations (CSO) sectors partnerships providing knowledge and skills development support (in kind) and/or financial and material support, the STTA-YCM programme includes several activities such as …